Freedom Forum is pleased to inform you that it has come up with a report on “Freedom of Expression on Internet in Nepal” featuring the present practice of FoE on internet in Nepal and analysis of the existing policy, laws and constitution affecting the FoE practice. Nepal’s practice and policies are compared to the international standards and best practices. It was launched last Friday.


The report, first of its kind in Nepal, has been brought to build a foundation for further debate and discussion on this topic in the changed political and constitutional set ups in the country.

It is believed that it would help augment internet rights to make the democracy sustainable and more functional.

The report is prepared at a time the country is witnessing gradual growth of internet (nearly fifty percent population is linked to internet in Nepal) thereby helping to hone the debates on multifarious issues.

It has tried its best to explore the legal hurdles and challenges on FoE practices in this new media along with the recommendations in different levels.

You can download the report from:

Your feedback is welcome.

Fore more information,

freedom1 Forum

Thapathali, Kathmandu

Post Box No: 24292

Phone No. 4102030, 4102022

