Speed up media reform
Taranath Dahal The atmosphere for freedom of expression and assembly could not see positive developments in Nepal last year, 2024. The press…
Taranath Dahal The atmosphere for freedom of expression and assembly could not see positive developments in Nepal last year, 2024. The press…
प्रेस वक्तव्य टिकटकमाथिको प्रतिबन्ध संविधान प्रदत्त स्वतन्त्रताको गम्भीर उलङ्घन नेपालमा लोकप्रिय सामाजिक सञ्जाल टिकटकलाई पूर्ण प्रतिबन्ध लगाउने वि.सं. २०८० कार्तिक २७ गते…
24 May 2021 Press Release Rapid Assessment of Coronavirus Funds Worldwide Finds Widespread Accountability Lapses, Calls for Stronger Oversight in Ongoing Response…
Freedom Forum announces call for Consultants (Individual/ Institutions) to perform the following duties and responsibilities as mentioned in the Terms of Reference:…
Freedom Forum is pleased to announce awards it is to provide in three categories- investigative reporting, RTI activism and courageous journalism. Mr…
Press Statement Freedom Forum is concerned over the interim order issued by Supreme Court of Nepal against a writ application that aims…
With the successful conclusion of all three tiers of elections in line with the new Constitution, Nepal now has fully transferred in…
Freedom Forum is going to organize 5 days training on “Public Interest Reporting”. This training theme will be focused on the issue…
freedom1 is announcing that one of the most resourceful websites on Nepali media, electoral process and constitution writing, it had been running…