Freedom Forum has been alarmed over the two press statements issued by the Nepal government on August 18 and August 20, asking the public not to speak on the issues of public concern.
The statements say: The Home Ministry has serious concern over the ongoing protests and demonstrations which has disturbed implementation of development projects in nation and the relationship with neighboring countries.
The statement further warned that the ministry was closely observing and analyzing such activities and will take strict action against the demonstrators as per existing rules.
“Nepal’s constitution has finely guaranteed citizen’s freedom of speech. But, merely for expressing views and making peaceful protest of any in/activity of government, the issuance of warning statement blatantly violates the freedom of speech. Similarly, it is against citizen’s right to peaceful protest. In a democratic state, the government can not suppress citizen’s rights, but it must show capacity to tolerate healthy criticism,” FF’s Executive Chief Taranath Dahal observed.
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Freedom Forum
Thapathali, Kathmandu
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