Browsing: opinion

Amend Media Council Bill

Taranath Dahal The government registered the Media Council Bill at the National Assembly on April 25, 2024. The bill which was brought…

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Table media related bills

Taranath Dahal Currently, Nepal’s federal parliament is conducting a winter session. This session is also called a bill session. The winter session…

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Ensure justice to journalists

Taranath Dahal and Nanu Maiya Khadka The International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists—marked on November 2 every year—commemorates journalists…

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Engagement for good governance

Taranath Dahal This past year, 2020 remained challenging for freedomof expression (FoE), freedom of assembly (FoA)and other civil rights in Nepal. The…

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अर्थपूर्ण पूर्वबजेट छलफलका सर्त

अनिरुद्र न्यौपाने पूर्वबजेट विवरण आर्थिक दस्तावेजका मूलभूत मानक पूरा हुने गरी तयार गर्नु अर्थपूर्ण पूर्वबजेट छलफलको पूर्वसर्त हो । नेपाल सरकारले गत…

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