
Right to Information (thematic guidebook)

सूचनाको हक कसरी प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ भनेर जान्नको लागि फ्रिडम फोरमले तयार पारेको गाईड बुक ।

Poster of RTI

The RTI poster illustrate a basic process how a citizen can seek information and use proactively disclosed information in line with the constitutionally and legally guaranteed right.

Vacancy Announcement

Vacancy announcement for Program Associate for a project named “Enabling Environment for Media Law Reforms and Improved Open Government Practice". Further details are as follows:

Public Expenditure Tracking Survey

Given that the budget allocated to climate-related program reaches the vulnerable farmers to help better prevent and respond to emerging climate threats, FF piloted PETS in the government-funded climate responsive program in Bardiya and Udayapur. It underscores the need of carrying out similar exercises that apply specific transparency/accountability tools to enable wider range of beneficiaries to understand the scope, expected results of budget allocations and actual expenditures in relation to climate change adaptation policies and activities.

इन्टरनेटको सुरक्षित प्रयोग सम्बन्धि पाठ्यक्रम समिक्षा (नेपालीमा)

The report comprises Internet and its safe use based Primary and Secondary school level curriculum review in Nepali version.

Curriculum Review on Safe Use/ Practice of Computer and Internet

The review has strongly recommended the policy makers and curriculum developers to prioritize the importance of internet and its safe use, so that it could contribute to creating healthy atmosphere for practice of Freedom of Expression online.

आमसञ्चारसम्बन्धी ऐन बनाउन सो सम्बन्धी विधेयकको मस्यौदा प्रति फ्रीडम फोरमको गम्भिर ध्यानाकर्षण पत्र

सरकारले मौजुदा ३ वटा सञ्चार क्षेत्रका ऐनहरू (१) छापाखाना तथा प्रकाशन ऐन–२०४८ (२) राष्ट्रिय प्रशारण ऐन–२०४९ र (३) श्रमजीवी पत्रकारसम्बन्धी ऐन २०५१ खारेज गरी सो लाई प्रतिस्थापन गर्ने उद्देश्यले आमसञ्चारसम्बन्धी ऐन बनाउन सो सम्बन्धी विधेयकको मस्यौदा गरेको जानकारी हुन आएको छ ।

यस सम्बन्धमा सूचना तथा सञ्चार क्षेत्रको नीति एवं कानुनका सम्बन्धमा लामो समयदेखि अध्ययन, अनुसन्धान र वकलात गर्दै आएको संस्थाको हिसाबले हाम्रो गम्भीर ध्यानाकर्षण भएको छ ।

Nepal's Citizens Climate Budget-Nepali
Nepal's Citizens Climate Budget-English

Nepal's Citizens Climate Budget (CCB) presents how the budget is being allocated to address climate change and its effects in Nepal. It uses official information from the Ministry of Finance and other government agencies in Nepal. This is designed for the public to understand how the government uses public finance to address climate change.

Nepal's Constitution-2072 BS (2015 AD)

We warmly welcome the 'Nepal's Constitution-2072 BS (2015 AD)' promulgated by the first people-elected Constituent Assembly.