Amidst concerns especially from the legal and media community, and civil society, Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Narhari Acharya, tabled a bill on contempt of court at the Legislature Parliament in Nepal on July 27, 2014.

The proposed bill, as media community and civil society argued, is intended to suppress citizens’ freedom1 of expression and press freedom1.

However, the parliamentarians themselves have not been positive for the passage of the bill, saying that it would jeopardize democracy.

As a harmony and good relations between the judiciary and media/press are essential for a functional democracy, freedom1 Forum demands a broader discussion with the stakeholders and the public before the endorsement of the bill. In a representative democracy, the participation of people in the discussion on any issue of public importance is essential. So, the bill, which has invited criticisms needs to be reviewed thoroughly, which finally will be in tune with the democratic exercise and meet the standard.

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freedom1 Forum
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