CSOs Stress on OGP Dialogue, Practices
The current COVID-19 pandemic is challenging for civil society too but it can offer new opportunities for them, states Executive Chief at…
The current COVID-19 pandemic is challenging for civil society too but it can offer new opportunities for them, states Executive Chief at…
अनिरुद्र न्यौपाने पूर्वबजेट विवरण आर्थिक दस्तावेजका मूलभूत मानक पूरा हुने गरी तयार गर्नु अर्थपूर्ण पूर्वबजेट छलफलको पूर्वसर्त हो । नेपाल सरकारले गत…
Subash Dahal Nepal’s budget transparency score has dropped according to the latest Open Budget Survey (OBS) report published by the International Budget…
राष्ट्रिय सूचनाआयोग का.म.न.पा.–१० (देवीनगर) काठमाडौँ प.सं. ०७६÷७७ च.नं. स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसंख्या मन्त्रालयलाई कोरोनाबाट संक्रमित तथा मृत्यू भएकाको स्थायी र अस्थायी ठेगाना स्पष्ट…
प्रेस विज्ञप्ती राष्ट्रिय सूचनाआयोग का.म.न.पा.–१० (देवीनगर) काठमाडौँ प.सं. ०७६÷७७ च.नं. सूचना हक सम्वन्धी ऐन, २०६४ को दफा ४ उपदफा (१) र उपदफा…
Press Release Nepal, 6 May 2020—Amid a global pandemic that is forcing governments around the world to launch new spending measures, the…
Nepal has regressed on Open budget Index as shown on the latest survey report published by the International Budget Partnership’s (IBP). Transparency…
To: Prime Minister of Cambodia Hun Sen President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi…
27th April 2020 The civil society members of Open Government Partnership’s Steering Committee have released a statement on COVID and its risks…
Freedom Forum condemns government’s decision to shutdown seventeen additional online news portals on March 31 after the imposing ban on five online news…