freedom1 Forum is now conducting following activities:
1. freedom1 of Expression Monitoring: freedom1 Forum has its media monitoring desk. The desk performs the task of event and policy monitoring related to journalists and media. It publishes regular reports and newsletters on three-monthly basis.
2. Human Rights: freedom1 Forum is continuously monitoring the events of human rights violation throughout the nation through its human rights desk in coordination of its secretary.
3. Budget Transparency: freedom1 Forum is the partner of International budget Partnership (IBP) in Nepal for global open budget survey. Open budget survey 2014 is underway.
4. Right to Information: freedom1 Forum is continuously in a campaign for promoting Right to Information in Nepal. Training and information request filing campaigns are the part of the broad campaign. Currently radio and television programs are being broadcast through different TV and radio stations nationwide. RTI support center is the other component.
5. Open Data : freedom1 Forum is conducting a research to assess the availability and use of open data related to aid and budget in Nepal in support of World Wide Web Foundation. FF is also involving on the advocacy works to promote accessibility of open data through Open Nepal in collaboration with Youhg Innovation and NGO Federation, Nepal.
6. Election and media: freedom1 Forum is working on the website with the aim of promoting quality of election journalism and free and fair election in Nepal. Please, visit the site send your response.