Freedom Forum's quarterly newsletter covers updates from April to June 2023.
The report features the overall activities and accomplishments of Freedom Forum under different projects executed in the fiscal year 2021/22.
This is annual press freedom report launched on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day 2023. The report states that in 40 incidents of violations recorded from May 2022 to April 2023, 79 media persons including eight female and four media houses were affected.
Freedom Forum's quarterly newsletter covers updates from January to March 2023.
This brief produced by Freedom Forum with support from International Budget Partnership presents an analysis of Nepal’s Federal Government spending in six key sectors that relate to nine SDG goals, examining budget credibility trends in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
Freedom Forum's quarterly newsletter covers updates from October to December 2022.
The report highlights status of press freedom and freedom of expression in Nepal in the past year 2022.
Freedom Forum's quarterly newsletter covers updates from July to September 2022.
(Point-wise discussion paper)