Project Reports

Multistakeholders' discussion on Social Network Management and Operation Bill

This report provides details of the discussion including key highlights and key note speeches.

Workshop on Governance of Digital Platforms: Emerging Trends and Good Practices

This is a comprehensive report of deliverables of the two-day workshop among Parliamentarians and media/ CSO representatives organized by UNESCO in collaboration with Federal Parliament Secretariat and Freedom Forum.

FoE and Safety Networks in Provinces

The report encloses details on provincial multistakeholders' networks formed for protection and promotion of freedom of expression and journalists' safety in all seven provinces.

Examining Budget Credibility in Nepal's Health Sector

This brief compares actual expenditures against approved budget allocations in Nepal’s health sector, examining why there are significant deviations over the four-year period from FY 2017/18 to FY 2020/21.

Right to Information in Nepal: Status, Challenges and Way Forward

(Point-wise discussion paper)

नेपालमा सूचनाको हक: अवस्था, चुनौती र अगाडिको बाटो

(बुँदागत छलफलपत्र)

Urgency of Digital Safety to Nepali Journalists

This report presents the findings of the study conducted among 100 Nepali journalists to understand the status of digital safety.
#FreedomForum #Digitalsafety #Digitalthreat #journalists #FoE #PressFreedomNepal #Nepal

खुला बजेट सर्वेक्षण नेपाल - २०२१
Open Budget Survey Nepal Report 2021 (English)

The report presents the findings of the Open Budget Survey in Nepal.

नीति विश्लेषण पत्र

यो सूचना प्रविधिको सम्बन्धमा व्यवस्था गर्न बनेको सूचना प्रविधि विधेयकमा गर्नु पर्ने सुधार सम्बन्धि फ्रिडम फोरमले तयार गरेको बिश्लेषण पत्र हो ।