Chief editor at Gajendra Budathoki wrote a post on his Twitter (X) and Facebook accounts on May 30, seeking attention of Nepal Police for his safety against increasing cyber trolls and threat.

On May 29, editor Budhathoki had made a tweet on interest rate of in Chinese loan to Nepal government on the project of construction of the Pokhara International Airport.

Following his tweet, series of posts threatening and trolling poured in against Budhathoki.

As a result, he sought safety from the Nepal Police through his social media posts.

To this, Budhathoki wrote a post- “The ambassador of China to Nepal and a mob has been abusing me and even threatening to attack me for a simple twitter post of mine. This has induced fear upon me so I am writing this post as a public record.”

He also drew attention of Nepal Police and Ministry of Home Affairs on it.

Freedom Forum condemns the threat to noted journalist Budhathoki and strongly urges the Nepal Police to pay attention for Budhathoki’s safety so that he would not face any untoward incident. FF deplores the threats, for it is a blatant violation of press freedom.