This is a comprehensie analysis of Nepal Social Media Bill 2081 according to international standards for rights to freedom of expression prepared by Center for Law and Democracy.
This issue of newsletter covers updates from October to December 2024.
This report provides details of the discussion including key highlights and key note speeches.
The report highlights status of press freedom and freedom of expression in Nepal in the past year 2024.
The report features the overall activities and accomplishments of Freedom Forum under different projects and its core activities executed in the fiscal year 2023/24.
This issue of newsletter covers updates from July to September 2024.
This is a comprehensive report of deliverables of the two-day workshop among Parliamentarians and media/ CSO representatives organized by UNESCO in collaboration with Federal Parliament Secretariat and Freedom Forum.
The report encloses details on provincial multistakeholders' networks formed for protection and promotion of freedom of expression and journalists' safety in all seven provinces.
This issue of newsletter covers updates from April to June 2024.