Freedom Forum formally handed over National Strategy & Action Plan for Citizen Engagement in Public Financial Management in Nepal to PEFA Coordinator Mr. Than Prasad Pangyani in a meeting at PEFA Premises in Anamnagar today (March 6, 2022). The submission includes the National Strategy & Action Plan for Citizen Engagement in Public Financial Management in Nepal (English & Nepali) for all three tiers of governments in Nepal along with the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan and Diagnostic Report in Citizen Engagement in PFM in Nepal.

Speaking at handover Mr. Taranath Dahal, team leader for this consultation, expressed his gratitude towards PEFA Nepal for this opportunity and hope that PEFA will take this forward for effective implementation in all three tiers of governments and ensured PEFA of Freedom Forum help and assistant on this endeavor of execution of this nation wise strategy of citizen engagement in public finance management in Nepal.

Accepting the documents, PEFA Coordinator Mr. Pangyani thanked Freedom Forum for the completion and design of the strategy and action plans. He further added that PFM improvement is very essential for Nepal and Citizen Engagement will promote Citizen Ownership in the development of the country. In closing, Mr. Pangyani ensured that PEFA will work towards the execution of this national strategy & action plan across all levels of government.

4 other officials of PEFA and 2 other members of Freedom Forum were present in the submission meeting along with Mr. Than Prasad Pangyani and Mr. Taranath Dahal.

The Reports on National Strategy & Action Plan for Citizen Engagement in Public Financial Management in Nepal (English & Nepali)can be accessed at PEFA Nepal’s official Website via links – EnglishNepali